Wednesday 30 November 2011

BS8599 and the Law

Providing BSi compliant First Aid Kits is the only safe way for an employer to meet new requirements.
HSE (Health and Safety Execuitive), as a member of BSi standard committee, have worked on developing of BS8599 but the HSE are non-prescriptive on the contents. It is the employers' responsibility to determine what is suitable. This, like all first aid provision, is based on the hazards in the workplace taking into account past injuries, number of employees etc.
However the HSE will not be making the new BS8599 First Aid Kit mandatory.

Why do we need the BS8599?

The BHTA guidelines, established in 1997 were in need of revision because the UK did not have a standard for First Aid Kits in the workplace until now. Training methods have changed and new products have arrived at affordable prices.

In the previous 10 person kit there were only one pair of gloves - yet 33 dressings. There were 4 triangular bandages - even though the training protocols no longer indicate their use for immobilisation of limb fractures.

Burns gel dressings are extensively used in first aid - now very available and affordable and included in the new kits. The BSi compliant First Aid Kits have good quantities of plasters, gloves and wipes, a common criticism of the old ones.

You may buy your BSi compliant First Aid Kits at

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