Friday 16 December 2011

Biohazard Kits For Cleanups in the Workplace

Biological hazard (often shortened to the more familiar term ‘biohazard’) is the term used when referring to certain biological substances that can potentially pose a very real and significant threat to the health of many living organisms, although the term ‘biohazard’ is most commonly used when describing materials that are particularly harmful to humans.

These biologically hazardous materials can be anything ranging from medical waste, which can potentially have a detrimental impact on animal health as well as human well-being, microorganisms from a biological source as well as viruses and toxins. Such Biohazard materials are categorized into one of the four Biosafety Levels (BSL’s), laid down by the United States’ Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (as well as being graded P1-P4 – a shortened version of the term Pathogen/Protection Levels 1-4). In accordance with the standards of this system of grading, Level 1 is assigned to those biologically hazardous materials which pose only a minimal risk, most commonly used when grading viruses and bacteria such as chicken pox and canine hepatitis. Typically, there are fewer precautions taken against materials with a biohazard level 1, with the most commonly means of protection being gloves and face masks.

However, biologically hazardous materials given a grading of 4 is assigned to those which present the most harmful risk such as those bacteria and viruses (which can often cause severe and potentially fatal illnesses in humans such as Argentinean and Bolivian hemorrhagic fever). As would be expected, those substances given a biologically hazardous rating of level 4 require considerably more substantial precautions, such as the use of airlocks and even the use of a Hazmat suit with a self contained oxygen supply.

There are, on the other hand, far more subtle and (luckily for businesses) cost effective means of disposing of materials which could be potentially biologically hazardous. There are many online providers who sell a large selection of biohazard kits to the mass market. Such kits are suitable for a very large range of purposes including deodorising and containing spills of bodily fluids as well as providing materials for the disinfecting and cleaning of soiled areas. Apart from meeting all necessary health and safety specifications, biohazard kits contain almost everything that could possibly be required for these situations: latex gloves, fluid absorption granules, dry wipes and disinfectant spray. Such kits also sometimes contain a yellow biohazard bag (for use in more serious cases of biohazard waste disposal). If, over time some components of the biohazard kits become depleted, it is not necessary to purchase an entirely new kit as it is possible to purchase refills of certain supplies.

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